Wednesday 3 September 2014

Mistake #1: Thinking That Women Don’t LOVE Sex

Guys listen up!
If the subject of SEX embarrasses you… or… if your religion teaches you sex is bad… or… if the idea of having extremely “better-than-good”, HOT Sex offends you… please… stop reading now!
A little digress and WARNING: You are NOT permitted to republish, copy or edit any part of any of my articles, reports etc in whatever form without my express written permission.
(I’m sorry I had to say this because of some thieves who go about stealing and publishing other people’s works all over the internet).
Let’s continue…

Who made SEX by the way?

I know you already know the answer but I’ll like to answer that – God made SEX and He made it for you! I know the subject of sex has been abused, misused by many and is now looked upon as a dirty word or act but the truth is…
As a man, you can’t run away from it. Best thing is to learn how to enjoy it within the context of good morals – by that I mean within “marriage”.
Of course I know unmarried guys still engage in sex and just like a Christian pharmacists sells condoms, it doesn’t mean he condones it. I DON’T.
This report was not written for sex-obsessed, selfish men but for men who desire to give their wives or significant other the best sexual experience of their lives while enhancing their relationships…

…because I am TIRED!

I am tired of all the married and unmarried men out there who totally blow it when it comes to having proper, enjoyable sex with a woman.
And more than that is what happens when you are unable to give it to a woman in a way that would make it very difficult for her to leave you for anyone else.
That is why I am going to ask you the question below:

Would you like to know the biggest reason

why women HATE to have sex with their partners AND cheat on them or commit adultery?

It’s because most men FAIL to TURN ON their woman? It’s because they Don’t know The TRUTH about Female Sexuality.
It is: MAINLY because they are bored with the sex life they have at home.
Truly…if you do a quiet study of the sex life of most Nigerian couples, I can guarantee you that it is more than boring.
And when you trace most of the problems that these couples are having, you will discover that it all started from the bedroom.
It is a psychological thing…
How do I know that?
Because it happened to me.
Suddenly my wife of barely 12 months of marriage was beginning to AVOID me, no matter how I tried to be a man to her (outside the bedroom) we were having those little, little quarrels that never seem to end.
Just a little thing, she was angry with me and you know what that means in the bedroom? NO show!
I thought the time of having little or no sex only happened to couples who were married for at least 20 years but look at what happened to me…
Not until I discovered some DEADLY mistakes I was making in the bedroom with her and then corrected it by deep researching and Viola!
If I tell you now that my woman is sexually addicted to me, you won’t believe it. It’s true! Women LOVE SEX. Infact, they love it more than men!
Maybe that is why a lot of people will never get to understand it. Truth is, all the things you ever learnt as a growing up man about the female sexuality can only sustain about 1% of serious relationships.
It’s a SAD fact that less than 1% of Nigerian men know how to really SATISFY their women in the bedroom. And the thing is… when the sex is great, it takes care of 90% of everything else. Show me a man and a woman who are having great sex on a regular basis and I’ll more than likely show you a happy relationship.
Therefore, it is pretty obvious that you simply HAVE TO learn how to become a great lover if you want to feel like a real man – and be every woman’s dream man.
And so here are The 3 DEADLY Mistakes men make with women in the bedroom and How to avoid them
And also…
My Intimate Secrets on How to Give Your Woman the Best Foreplay She Ever Had…By Pleasuring Every Inch of Her Body to An Intense Uncontrollable Orgasm …From the Inside Out!
In the next few articles, I am share my intimate secrets on how to make your woman sexually addicted to you…which will turn those Annoying No’s Into a YES PLEASE DON’T STOP…reality for you:
I am about to discuss the following things with you that a lot of men have been wondering and asking about I will be glad if you can pay attention to them…
1. The 3 things most guys do wrongly in the bedroom, and the parts of her body you should actually FOCUS on (Hint: It’s NOT her breasts or down there!
2. The secret art of nipple play… and how you can maximize your lover’s pleasure using this highly sensitive spot of the body (Once again, there are 3 nipple types that have to be handled accordingly. Most guys just treat them as the same.
3. The Shocking Truth about the SIX Main “Hot spots” of a woman’s body ALL men need to know in order to give your partner an unforgettable foreplay experience (Most men are not even aware of these areas)
4. The #1 secret “hot spot” you must AVOID touching at all costs to have your woman begging to be TAKEN and RAVAGED by you (if you only do this one thing, you’ll always have great rip-up-the-sheets sex)
Let’s get started… Don’t worry; this won’t be a long boring article.

The 3 DEADLY Mistakes Men Make With Women in the Bedroom

Mistake #1: Thinking That Women Don’t Love Sex or She Has a Low Sex Drive

Listen up guys and don’t let anyone deceive you: It Is Biologically Natural For All Humans To Crave Sex and that includes Women.
If the woman in your life keeps giving you those annoying NO’s or says that she “just doesn’t like sex that much,” or that she “has a low sex drive,” it is usually a BIG Warning Sign that something is not working right in the relationship especially in your sex life.